Simply put, without our generous sponsors, St. George Chamber Singers (SGCS) could not afford to produce and perform the world’s most beautiful choral music. By donating to SGCS, you further its mission and provide necessary funding for proper licensing and musical scores.
All monies are handled effectively under the SGCS Board’s supervision and oversight and always without unnecessary operating expenses. Donations are used to purchase and rent music, to pay for shipping and returning of scores, and to print programs. Monies may also be used for venue rentals and to produce creative works like YouTube videos or live broadcasts of concerts. Sponsorship will help make our content better and more accessible to the public.
St. George Chamber Singers is supported by generous donations from businesses and individuals around the community. We sincerely appreciate each and every donation.
If you would like to become a sponsor or just make a donation, please contact us:
Rachel Cox, President
saintgeorgechambersingers@gmail.com or donate directly to our venmo.